Monday, November 2, 2009

Five Guys Burgers and Fries

(Don't mind the foil...or the phone cam pic)

Greetings, fellow Fienders. It's been a long road since my last post (school is absorbing a ton of my nights and free time, plus a dash of laziness), but nonetheless i've been cataloguing quite a few burgers along the way. More to come on that front, alongside some pics.

However tonight I was running around, realized around 8:30pm that I hadn't eaten anything all day and decided I would eat at the next closest place I could find. And that place - completely and honestly by chance and proxy - just happened to be Five Guys Burgers.

I was also honestly trying to avoid the venue, because I've made a concsious effort from the beginning to not review fast food burger joints, but unlike the other big three chains Five Guys has risen to a cult status in the past few years in many credible media outlets as well as by a strong word-of-mouth presence on the streets.

Not that there is anything wrong with "fast food" joints, because I am a fan of many the establishments, but I thought it would only be fair to give it a whirl and a quick review since many Fiend faithful have been asking my thoughts as of late.

So overall I would say the burger itself was as expected: a solid, pretty tasty burger. There was nothing gourmet or exceptionally mindblowing though, which the company does not promote or claim, but that was almost a sigh of relief because there's never a bar that needs to be exceeded.

I got the bacon cheeseburger with ketchup and jalepenos, and the meat was fresh and seasoned well. What was VERY good were the fresh cut fries, which are cooked in 100% peanut oil...a tasteful and somewhat healthier option if you're going to be deep-frying anything (relax, don't start a nutrition debate. We're talking about fries and oils here).

What I do love is the (un)intentional artsy statement a la the old school checker decor and backroom/frontroom storage (giant sacks of potatoes on skids and sitting out for display in the middle of the floor). No matter which way you shake it, that's awesome in my book.

So yes, I would say i'm definitely glad I stopped in this evening and I recommend others grabbing a fistful of meat the next time they want to cure the crave.

Five Guys Burgers and Fries (Clark & Fullerton)
2368 N. Clark Street

Chicago, IL 60614
Tel: 773-883-8930

1 comment:

  1. Oddly, during Christmas, Janet C, Jessi Langsen and I ended up here on a little office/lunch field trip. Totally agree with your review. Traditional but satisfying burger and excellent fries!
