Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Deserted Island Question...Burger Style

It's probably the most famous hypothetical question; one that never gets old and always gets to the point. While the topics and stipulations do vary, the base of the question is always the same.

So...if you found out you were being deported to a deserted island where the only cuisine served is your dream beef burger, and you only had the choice of two toppings for the rest of your days on the island, which two divine toppers would you choose?

Are you a Jane or a Zane and simply like your burger plain? Sorry ‘bout ya…

Does my standard squirt of ketchup count? Ehhhh, sorry, call me nutty, but I’m going to have to leave liquid condiments and sauces off the list, such as ketchup, mustard, BBQ, Tabasco, etc., because those are too boring and basic for this exercise. And believe it or not, these liquid items can be found on this island. My scenario.

Cheese is however considered a topping. My rules.

And since this may or may not have been a dream I had last night, the two I would choose to have for the rest of my duration would have to be a super thick slice of aged cheddar, preferably from Wisconsin or Vermont (known for their excellent cheesemanship), as well as a few strips of a smoky, thick bacon variety. Both the cheese and bacon offer their own unique textures that complement the flavor instead of rivaling like other toppings, and if aged or smoked, both amplify the umami of the meat so that you get a much more memorable and lasting taste.

I then like to top the toppers with a liberal smear of a zesty BBQ sauce, as well as to strategically place a dollop of ketchup underneath the burger patty, thus giving you a hint of both the sweet and savory. And if I could have a third option for a topping - say just for a limited time because of a shipwreck off the coral reef on the south end of the isle - I would definitely hope the vessel's cargo was full of roasted red peppers.

I’ve seen a limited amount of chatter throughout the net about best toppings, but nothing substantial enough of a list that ranks America’s numero uno.

Now is the time. BurgerFiend is the place. Pick your poison(s). You have one month from now before the poll closes.

1 comment:

  1. I think I'd have to swap out the bacon for Jalapenos omg. Cheese. Hmm. I think I'd go with American, nice and melty. Condiments? BBQ, Mustard and Mayo. Goddamn, now I want a burger!
